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原创 日期:2024-08-21 02:21:43 浏览:0次


1. Jump for joy: 意为欣喜若狂,形容人们非常高兴,甚至跳起来庆祝。

例句:When I heard that I got the job, I jumped for joy.

2. On cloud nine: 意为高兴得飘在空中,形容人们非常兴奋、幸福。

例句:After receiving the good news, she felt like she was on cloud nine.

3. Over the moon: 意为兴奋得飞上月球,形容人们非常高兴、开心、满足。

例句:When he heard that he got accepted into his dream university, he was over the moon.

4. Walking on air: 意为走在空中,形容人们非常兴奋、轻松、愉快。

例句:After winning the championship, the team was walking on air.

5. Bursting with excitement: 意为兴奋到快要爆炸了,形容人们非常兴奋、激动、热情。

例句:As soon as she heard about the surprise party, she was bursting with excitement.
